We got to meet our friends' precious new arrival!!!!
I wish I could rock bedhead like her.
I have had my eye on this diaper organizer on etsy for awhile now...but it was $52 and I'm cheap. So I found an online tutorial and made one all on my own! I LOOOOVE it!!! :)
Her very first dress rehearsal!!!
Sisters on recital day!
Saying "hello" to Gill.
She loves to pick dandelions!
She has mastered the monkey bars!!
Post naptime snuggles.
Everyone in their favorite spots on the swingset.
Sadly, our original 3 fish passed away...so these are our new fish. Lenard, Penny and Sparkles 2.0.
So much personality in such a tiny body!
I rarely ever shoe shop...especially for heels. If I'm buying shoes, its flip flops. Had these been in a different color...they'd be sitting in my closet. LOVED these shoes!!!